The Gyrotonic® Method is an exercise system that uses the body to go beyond its limitations. Gyrotonic® exercises increase the functional capacity of the entire organism in a harmonious way.
Increases the circulation thru aerobic and cardiovascular stimulation, circulation of blood, the lymphatic fluids and circulation of energy
Increases better elimination and absorption. Eliminating toxic breath, fowl odor thru increased evaporation, toxins thru perspiration, fowl winds and impure waters and other waste matters that are all a hindrance for the proper
functioning of the organism.
Increases the mobility of the joints and the use of the fullest capacity in all directions.
Stimulates and strengthens the nervous system to increase muscular contraction and extension.
Mobilizes the spine and releases the rigidity of the spine and its function in relation to the organs.
Creates a clearer perception of the senses.
Creates more harmony and balance in the flow of energy.
Creates better coordination thru neuromuscular regeneration; signals flow more free between the intender and the instrument (the body) that is used. The cause of all disease is STAGNATION. regardless if mental, emotional or otherwise.
Therefore, with a systematic and a well-calculated process, one can attain a natural aging without too much discomfort, indulging in the gift of life and in one's body and dance free in the spirit.
The GYROKINESIS® method is an exercise modality that uses the body to go beyond its limitations. GYROKINESIS® movement increases the functional capacity of the entire organism in a harmonious way.
Increases circulation through aerobic and cardiovascular stimulation circulation of blood and the lymphatic liquids, and circulation of energy.
Promotes better elimination and absorption, elimination of the Breath, foul odors through increased evaporation, toxins thru perspiration, and foul winds, impure waters and other waste matters that are all a hindrance to the proper
functioning of the organism.
Increases the mobility of the joints, promoting full functionality, in all directions.
Stimulates and strengthens the nervous system, leading to increased muscular contraction and extension.
Mobilizes the spine and release the rigidity of the spine and its function, in relation to the organs.
creates clearer sense perception, for all of the senses.
creates more harmony and balance in the flow of energy
Creates better coordination with neuromuscular regeneration:signels flow more freely between the intender and the instrument (the body) that is used.
GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of GYROTONIC® Sales Corp and are used with their permission.